
Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Slim in a healthy way

Healthy ways on sliming

All women would want to have the ideal body and slim like a model? Ideal body is often a dream of women who are overweight. Many women complained about difficulty to lose weight after giving birth, which had increased during pregnancy. Various ways to to streamline the body will be done to get the ideal body weight and slim body. Various information on how to to streamline the body will be sought to get the ideal body that they want.  

The problem of obesity becomes a daunting issue for most women. Because obesity will make them feel inferior, ashamed, shut away from society because of a lack of confidence and will ultimately lead to desperation and depression. There are many women who go on a diet to reduce obesity in vain, such as low-carbohydrate diet, drastically reducing the meal portions, regurgitate the food which have been eaten or taking slimming drugs carelessly. This will bring harm to health, because bulimia can lead to disease, malnutrition, anemia and fatigue. This will make the body vulnerable to various diseases.

Healthy ways for slimming

  • Improve your intention to to streamline the body, so you can do a healthy diet program in the discipline, to get a slim body to your liking.
  • Set your diet by eating in small portions but often, and replace your snack menu with vegetables and fruits.
  • Make it a habit to take a sufficient amount of food and not excessive. Do not take large amounts of food at once, which will tempt you to spend all of the food.
  • Vary your diet so that your healthy diet program to be fun and not a burden to you.
  • When you eat, enjoy your food, do not eat together with other activities such as watching television or reading. By focusing on the food, so you can calculate the amount and type of food you eat.
  • Chewing food until smooth. By chewing food longer, your stomach will feel full faster and portions of food you eat becomes less.
  • Avoid fried foods, fast food and carbonated drinks.
  • Make it a habit to tooth brushing after eating. Toothbrushing makes your mouth feel fresh, so you will be lazy to eat snacks after meals.
  • Make it a habit to eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Do not sleep after eating so your body has time to metabolize foods you eat.
  • Increasing physical activity such as climbing stairs, doing laundry, walking, housework, and other activities.
  • When you feel stressed and depressed, do not make foods as an escape. Divert your stress in other ways.
  • Watch your diet and put into practice in daily life to become a habit.
Examples of Healthy Eating
  • Breakfast: Breakfast with fruit or cereal. Do not ever skip breakfast.
  • Lunch: Eating rice in small portions and eat lots of vegetables so you feel full longer.
  • Dinner: Drink a glass of lowfat milk, and eat fruits and vegetables.
  • On the sidelines of meals, if you still feel hungry, divert your desire to eat rice by eating fruits or drinking water. Avoid snacking between meals.

Jumat, 06 Desember 2013

What is food combining diet

Food combining diet
There are many books and theories about food combining diet on the market. But, in principle, it is said to theorize if diet foods are grouped according to the time needed to digest. Each food requires different time.
The body will digest food better, when we consume foods that have the same time to digest simultaneously. Proteins, for instance, take a long time to digest, while carb is shorter. Therefore, they should not be eaten together. Protein can be consumed with vegetables.

A good weight loss is considered closely related to the good digestion. Wrong way to eat will make it rot and can not be digested properly, resulting in the occurrence of fat deposits. So if you know the right time to eat and avoid certain foods consumed at the same time, automatically your digestion work better, and your weight will go down.

Things was promised by food combining diet

You do not need to count calories or reduce the portion of foods to lose weight. Simply by knowing meal time and the food combination you should to eat. By doing so, your body will naturally achieve and maintain your ideal weight. By frequently eating vegetables and fruit, you will be spared from constipation, the body will more fit and shielded from diseases.

Disadvantages of food combining diet

- Generally it does not easy. And you have to make drastic dietary changes to run this diet. Although there are many people who successful in losing weight by this diet. - In addition to extremely low calorie, in the long term, this diet can causes deficiencies of vitamins and minerals the body needs, especially vitamin D, B2, calcium, and iron. - To compensate for the dramatic changes in eating patterns, you can choose a combination of food you want, - Add supplements to overcome deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Foods to suppress appetite

Slim secara alami dengan penekan nafsu makan

Appetite suppressant . Easy to feel hungry makes us eat more make weight go up. To feel full longer, we must pay attention what to eat and also how we eat. Try some tips below to feel full longer.
Drink more water. Drink 2 glasses of water before meals. Water make you feel full and reduce calorie intake about 60 calories per meal. 

Season. Use vinegar  and cinnamon if possible. These ingredients can help regulate blood sugar levels after meals, suppress appetite and help you feel full longer after meals,  according to a study in the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Zurich.

Foods that suppress appetite

The following foods can make you feel full faster without adding calories into your body.

Green and orange vegetables. Green and orange vegetables contain as much as 90% water,  make you feel full, and our brain will notes that we have been satisfied.

Potato. Potato and sweet potatoes contain resistant starch which fight against hunger. A new study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that resistant starch raise the sense of satisfaction that help you stay full for 24 hours and reduce calorie intake as much as 320 calories.

Fish. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids which can also help to feel full for hours. Eating fish makes someone feel fuller than eating beef. In addition, fish consumption also means eating fewer 75 calories at the next meal. This is according to a study in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Nuts The content of fiber , protein, and fat in nuts can activate a sense of satisfaction and suppress appetite, so you eat fewer calories throughout the day. It also increases metabolism by more than 11%  
 Oat Oat contain fiber that can satiate called beta glucan, which helps the body to release CCK, an appetite suppressant similar hormone.  

Various types of bean Bean contains protein fiber balanced to enhance satiety. In addition, a diet rich in legumes can also increase your metabolism, this is according to a study in France.  

Eggs Eggs are rich in protein. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that eating eggs helps to suppress appetite for more than 36 hours.

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

5 tests you should done before undergoing a diet

Diet is not only limiting food consumption. Your overall health, should also be considered. Some of the tests are needed to see if you can go on a diet or not. Maybe you already know the various ways

There are several tests you need for your purpose. This test is also required by you who are doing specific diet. The results of this test will show your medical condition, whether you have excess or deficiency of specific nutrients. Thus you can determine whether you can run, forward, replace, or even stop your diet.
for dieting. Even, perhaps you've also tried it. There is no harm to do a diet, for the sake of your goal (slimming, health, or conviction). The most important thing is that the diet you do, will not interfere with your health. Therefore, before doing a diet, you should consult a nutrition specialist first.

Lipid examination (fat)

To detect the risk of heart disease. Why is required: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, obesity, and diabetes are risk factors for heart disease. Yoyo syndrome (weight fluctuates irregularly) can reduce levels of HDL (good cholesterol), so that increasing the risk of heart disease. This lipid examination will measure the levels of HDL, LDL (bad cholesterol), and triglycerides. According to the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood of United States, in each deciliter of blood, the level of LDL should be less than 130 mg, HDL level over 55 mg, and triglycerides less than 250 mg.

Examination of glikosiation hemoglobin (HbA1c)

Detecting of type 2 diabetes Why needed: According to National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases United States, approximately 5.4 million people did not know if they have diabetes. This examination is required if your blood pressure 140/90 or more, your weight is 20% more than your ideal weight, your body mass index is 27 or more, or you are 45 years of age or older. According to nutrition experts, they are advised to run the examination of hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose check, because it describes the blood sugar levels. Thus, it will reduce the possibility of inaccurate results.

Examination of thyroid function

Detection of of thyroid dysfunction Why is needed: It is needed especially for those who want to gain weight. Fatigue, weight gain, and muscle pain is a sign of hypothyroidism (decreased of thyroid function). While weight loss, heart palpitations, and anxiety is a sign of hyperthyroidism (increased of thyroid function). Examination should be done every year (or every three months if you are experience specific symptoms). It will measure the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroxine, and triodotironin. Changes in levels of one of the three, indicating the existence of a problem. After hypothyroidism is treated, it will lose weight easily. However, it must be remembered that being overweight is not always the result of hormonal imbalance.

Kidney function Examination

Detecting urea and creatinine. Why is needed: This examination is conducted to determine an impairment in kidneys function.
If there are increased levels of urea and creatinine in the blood, indicating that there are impaired in renal function. When this happens, you better limit the intake of protein, so it is not aggravate the workload of kidneys.
Detecting blood uric acid levels
Why is needed: Low-calorie diet will usually increases the level of uric acid in the blood. The level that are already high, will getting higher, if you run this diet. High uric acid levels can lead to gout and kidney stones.

Breakfast menu recipe for weight loss

Breakfast menu recipes

You've often heard that filling the stomach with a good breakfast is very important. This provides a
good start for your metabolism during the day. However, there is a chance that you ignore the little things you should do in presenting breakfast menu. Did you know that the breakfast menu that includes certain foods really can make your body burn more fat and faster than if you choose something else?

One of the most important meal for a good breakfast, which can help your body to burn more fat, is a substance called starch inhibitors (do not worry, this substance is found in all kinds of daily food, bananas, oatmeal, etc.).

All you need are a few great ideas for the breakfast menu, which enables you to start your day, burn fat as fast as possible. Let's start with the idea of a good breakfast, which includes grain toast, a large amount of peanut butter, almonds, and bananas. The best thing of the breakfast menu is that the menu contains a few grams of starch inhibitors.

Nothing is easier than the menu. You just need to bake bread, apply a thick almond butter and inlaid with pieces of banana. You may ask, "Why should use almond butter"? Almond peanut butter has monounsaturated fat which actually helps you to burn fat quickly. Try the recipe 'blueberry pancakes and oatmeal' for your new breakfast menu and rich in starch inhibitors.

To start create breakfast menu for weight loss plan, take:

• 85 grams of oatmeal
• 15 ounces ricotta cheese (cottage cheese) low-fat
• 2 eggs
• 125 grams of blueberries
• 1 teaspoon of vanilla
• Maple syrup
• Cooking spray (substitute for oil) Mix oatmeal, vanilla, ricotta, and eggs until smooth.

After that, enter blueberries, and the dough is ready to be served. All you have to do after that is non-sticky skillet coated with cooking spray, and put the pancakes dough. To cook it, do not do it more than 3 minutes. You have to cook on both sides until the surface is golden and serve with maple syrup.

However, biggest problem your in preparing a good breakfast menu for weight loss is that you rarely have enough time to prepare it. If so, you might be interested in fruit salad. All you have to do is mix 180 ml of water with 100 grams of barley (pearl barley). Put it in the microwave for about 6 minutes on high temperature.
Once issued and getting cold, give an ornament of banana and honey, and you have a fresh meal although you do it in a hurry. This recipe should not take more than 10 minutes. Sometimes you do not even have time to make your breakfast menu for weight loss, if so make sure you have food stuff of snacks  rich in starch inhibitors, whole wheat muffins, cereal bars, and of course bananas.

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

14 day diet

14 day diet can be done if you do not have food allergies such as allergic to meat, poultry, and eggs.

Foods are not allowed in 14 day diet: salt (salty)

Terms: 1. In one day, you have to drink 8 glasses of water or about 2 liters.
2. Danish beefsteak fried in butter / corn oil / unsalted butter (fresh)
3. Consumption of vegetables, usually 1 bunch spinach, do not boiled too long and without salt, and lettuce be eaten raw
4. Last dinner at 06:00 pm
5. Water can be drunk every hour
6. You should stay home because you will urinate frequently.
7. Rarely defecate because almost all the food are absorbed by the body
8. This diet just to eliminates fat, so you do not need to fear of side effects.

Advantages of 14 day diet:

1. If the diet is done in earnest (not deviate from the rules), it will be able to lose weight to 7 or 8 kg
2. This diet has been investigated that the chemical conditions in the body becomes better, so you are not likely to be fat again
3. The rule is, after the 14th day, you should eat normally and not excessively
4. This diet is simply done once a year  

The things to note in 14 day diet: If you forget and eat something that deviates from the rules, for example, on day 4 or nearing completion (day 12), the diet should be started again from the first day. Therefore, although our weight has gone down, but there is a possibility for our bodies to be fat again because of irregularities.  

Diet menu: Days 1 and 8:
Morning: 1 cup of coffee / tea with 1 tablespoon of sugar
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs + 1 bunch of boiled spinach for a while + 1 piece of fresh tomato
Dinner: 100 gr of fried steak + lettuce given with lemon 

Day 2 and 9:
Morning: 1 cup of coffee / tea with 1 tablespoon of sugar
Lunch: 60 gr of fried steak + lettuce + 1 fresh fruit (orange / watermelon / starfruit / giant guava)
Dinner: 120 grams of steamed chicken + 1 glass nonfat milk without sugar  

Day 3 and 10:
Morning: 1 cup of coffee / tea + 1 tablespoon of sugar + 1 slice toasted white bread
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs + 1 tomato + 1 fresh fruit + 1 bunch of spinach / kale
Dinner: 120 gr steamed chicken + lettuce sprinkled with lemon citrun / juice  

Day 4 and to 11:
Morning: 1 cup of coffee / tea + 1 tablespoon of sugar + 1 piece of toasted white bread
Lunch: 1 boiled egg + 1 carrot (boiled briefly) + 1 non-fat cheese
Dinner: 1 full cup of papaya sprinkled with lemon + 1 glass of milk without fat and without sugar  

Day 5 and 12:
Morning: 1 large size of raw carrot roughly shredded and sprinkled with lemon juice
Lunch: 120 grams of steamed chicken with a little of butter sauce is not salty
Dinner: 60 gr of fried steak (corn oil) + raw lettuce + boiled spinach briefly  

Day 6 and 13
Morning: 1 cup of coffee / tea without sugar + 1 piece of toasted white bread
Lunch: 120 grams of steamed chicken + lettuce sprinkled with lime juice
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs + 1 large raw carrot grated and sprinkled with lemon juice

Day 7 and to 14
Morning: 1 cup of coffee / tea without sugar
Lunch: 60 grams of fried steak + 1 fresh fruit
Evening: Do not Eat.

Good luck!

Jumat, 29 November 2013

7 days diet - Lose 10 pounds in 7 days

7 days diet - - - - 

Buckwheat is a seed from a low shrub that is native to Asia and northern Europe. The cultivation
began in China and then spread to Russia, Poland, the Netherlands, France, the United States, Canada and Greece. Buckwheat is rich in protein, vitamin B group, vitamin E, and K, folic acid, minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc. Reduces cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels because it contains soluble fiber. Also helps the proper functioning of the circulatory system and energizes. You will find it in organic stores and supermarket.

7 days diet plan

This diet lasts for 7 days and will help you lose up to 10 pounds. You can continue this diet for 7 more days. 

Day 1 to Day 7 - During the day you eat only Buckwheat as much as you want. You can replace buckwheat with : 500 grams low-fat yogurt or 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Example, if you don't eating buckwheat for breakfast you can replace it with yogurt or cheese cottage.  

If you get hungry, you are allowed to eat: - Up to 2 pieces of fruits of your choice (except bananas and grapes) - Up to 3 servings of zero-calories vegetables.

Vegetables zero-calories: Spinach, Watercress, Beet, Turnip, Celery, Lemon, Lime, Cucumber, Garlic, Green beans, asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, chili peppers, onion, radish, Mushroom, Tomato, Greens). The last meal should be 5 hours before bedtime.  

Cook buckwheat (the first mode) Ingredients: 1 cup of raw buckwheat and 2 cups of water. Implementation. Rinse buckwheat and put it in a pot with water and boil on low heat for about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. While boiling it will absorb the liquid and optionally you can add fresh herbs.

Cook buckwheat (second mode) Ingredients: 1 cup of buckwheat 2 cups boiling water Implementation In a bowl, add the buckwheat with boiling water and leave it covered for 6-8 hours to absorb liquids. Drain the water is left and serve.

7 days diet rules

Consume at least 2 liters of water a day - For best results combine diet with exercise (running, aerobics, etc.) at least 30 minutes every day  
Allowed - Coffee - Herbal Drinks - Fresh herbs, a little olive oil, vinegar, lemon  
Not allowed - Soft drinks - Alcohol - Sugar or sweetener - Salt After the diet, follow a balanced and healthy diet. Before you start the diet you should consult your doctor.

Six foods to reduce belly fat

Foods for weight loss

Belly fat makes a person feel less comfortable, less confident, and less mobile. In addition, belly fat indicates that a person has excess fat in their body, which can lead to various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

If you have belly fat, or have problems with your weight, there are some things you can do to get rid of fat from your body.

Including diet to lose weight and eating healthy foods that can reduce your weight.
Some types of foods can  help you to lose weight.

Here are some foods that help you lose weight, as quoted from geniusbeauty.com.

Some studies showed that consumption of grapefruit juice as much as 150 ml after meal can reduce weight about 1.8 kilograms (4 pounds) in two weeks. This is because grapefruit has low glycemic index to reduce insulin levels and cholesterol. Inositol contained in the fruit is a natural fat burner, while naringin in it is responsible for preventing the accumulation of fat, accelerates metabolism and stimulates digestion.

Green tea
Green tea is more popular as cancer prevention beverage. However, this drink is actually good for the body's metabolic processes, because it can reduce fat levels. This non-fermented beverage is the best partner for lunch or dinner. Five cups of green tea a day can burn about 70-80 calories.

Low-fat milk / low fat dairy productsTo meet the body's need for calcium (1200 mg of calcium per day), you also need to consume foods and beverages that contain calcitrol, a substance contained in low fat milk, which makes cells in the body capable to burn fat.

From the result of some studies suggest that women who consume low-fat milk up to 3-4 times a day, they can burn fat by 70 percent. Because calcium makes the body burn fat faster than we need.

If you do not drink enough water in a day, you will find it hard to lose weight. Dehydration slowing your metabolism and cause a reduction blood glucose levels, causing fatigue, and headache. Drink 1.5 liters of water per day can speed up your metabolism by 30 percent.

Protein-rich foodsProtein is one of the most important element needed by the body. Foods that contain lots of protein can speed up metabolism. Digestive system needs a lot of energy to digest protein compared with fat and starch, so that protein can be fairly helpful in burning calories.

Protein can reduce your body weight up to 30 percent. Protein increases burning of calories in the body, up to 150-200 calories per day. Foods that contain protein are chicken breast, lean meat, fish, egg whites, and turkey.

Spicy foods
Spicy foods, especially cayenne, make your metabolism go faster. This is because of the content of these herbs can stimulate the release of adrenaline in the body, which also speed your metabolism and burn calories faster.