
Jumat, 06 Desember 2013

What is food combining diet

Food combining diet
There are many books and theories about food combining diet on the market. But, in principle, it is said to theorize if diet foods are grouped according to the time needed to digest. Each food requires different time.
The body will digest food better, when we consume foods that have the same time to digest simultaneously. Proteins, for instance, take a long time to digest, while carb is shorter. Therefore, they should not be eaten together. Protein can be consumed with vegetables.

A good weight loss is considered closely related to the good digestion. Wrong way to eat will make it rot and can not be digested properly, resulting in the occurrence of fat deposits. So if you know the right time to eat and avoid certain foods consumed at the same time, automatically your digestion work better, and your weight will go down.

Things was promised by food combining diet

You do not need to count calories or reduce the portion of foods to lose weight. Simply by knowing meal time and the food combination you should to eat. By doing so, your body will naturally achieve and maintain your ideal weight. By frequently eating vegetables and fruit, you will be spared from constipation, the body will more fit and shielded from diseases.

Disadvantages of food combining diet

- Generally it does not easy. And you have to make drastic dietary changes to run this diet. Although there are many people who successful in losing weight by this diet. - In addition to extremely low calorie, in the long term, this diet can causes deficiencies of vitamins and minerals the body needs, especially vitamin D, B2, calcium, and iron. - To compensate for the dramatic changes in eating patterns, you can choose a combination of food you want, - Add supplements to overcome deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

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