There are several tests you need for your purpose. This test is also required by you who are doing specific diet. The results of this test will show your medical condition, whether you have excess or deficiency of specific nutrients. Thus you can determine whether you can run, forward, replace, or even stop your diet.
for dieting. Even, perhaps you've also tried it. There is no harm to do a diet, for the sake of your goal (slimming, health, or conviction). The most important thing is that the diet you do, will not interfere with your health. Therefore, before doing a diet, you should consult a nutrition specialist first.
Lipid examination (fat)
To detect the risk of heart disease. Why is required: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, obesity, and diabetes are risk factors for heart disease. Yoyo syndrome (weight fluctuates irregularly) can reduce levels of HDL (good cholesterol), so that increasing the risk of heart disease. This lipid examination will measure the levels of HDL, LDL (bad cholesterol), and triglycerides. According to the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood of United States, in each deciliter of blood, the level of LDL should be less than 130 mg, HDL level over 55 mg, and triglycerides less than 250 mg.Examination of glikosiation hemoglobin (HbA1c)
Detecting of type 2 diabetes Why needed: According to National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases United States, approximately 5.4 million people did not know if they have diabetes. This examination is required if your blood pressure 140/90 or more, your weight is 20% more than your ideal weight, your body mass index is 27 or more, or you are 45 years of age or older. According to nutrition experts, they are advised to run the examination of hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose check, because it describes the blood sugar levels. Thus, it will reduce the possibility of inaccurate results.Examination of thyroid function
Detection of of thyroid dysfunction Why is needed: It is needed especially for those who want to gain weight. Fatigue, weight gain, and muscle pain is a sign of hypothyroidism (decreased of thyroid function). While weight loss, heart palpitations, and anxiety is a sign of hyperthyroidism (increased of thyroid function). Examination should be done every year (or every three months if you are experience specific symptoms). It will measure the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroxine, and triodotironin. Changes in levels of one of the three, indicating the existence of a problem. After hypothyroidism is treated, it will lose weight easily. However, it must be remembered that being overweight is not always the result of hormonal imbalance.Kidney function Examination
Detecting urea and creatinine. Why is needed: This examination is conducted to determine an impairment in kidneys function.If there are increased levels of urea and creatinine in the blood, indicating that there are impaired in renal function. When this happens, you better limit the intake of protein, so it is not aggravate the workload of kidneys.
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